Flag is simple, reliable and easily vivid and recognizable signalling way. A flag symbolizes continuing activity or state.
The signal flags in the international navy transport.
International navy flag alphabet is the code of letters of Latin alphabet and numbers. It is used for visual communication between ships or ship and the harbour. It consists of 40 flags:
26 flags represent letters
10 flags represent numbers
3 represent repeating
1 flag is approving
The flags are hoisted on the vertical rope in the amount from one to four. If we indicate the geographical locations it is used to amount of seven. They are read in the sequence from above to downward. Repetitive flag number one is used for the repetition of the first flag. Repetitive flag number two represents second flag and the third represent the third one. During celebrations can be the flags of navy alphabet used for the decorations of the flag in the means of bunting.
The signal flags on car races.
The yellow flag - Attention
The yellow flag is used for signalling of the danger on the route. It forbids outrunning and the drivers have to reduce their speed. It the safety car is placed on the route in the races of F1 it signalized by the yellow flag with the table and written letters of SC.
The green flag – the route is empty
The waving green flag is used in the parts of route where is no longer potential danger and it cancels the biding of the yellow flag.
The yellow flag with vertical red stripes
The yellow and red vertically striped flag signalizes decline of the adhesion on the route because of the water or oil.
The red flag – stopping of the race
Drivers must stop their racing and they have to be prepared for the stopping of the race if the red flag is used as a signalling point.
The white flag – on the route is slower vehicle
White flag is used for waving if the slower vehicle e.g. ambulance is placed on the route.
The green flag with yellow V
This flag signalizes wrong start but only in that case if the lighting signalization is not working.
The black and white checkered flag – the end of the race
This final flag signalizes the winner of the race and afterwards the other races in the finish.
The blue flag - overrunning
The blue flag signalizes to the racer who is one round late that he has to be overrun because he hinders the faster driver.
The black flag -disqualification
The black flag with the starting number signalize the driver ´s disqualification from the race.
The black flag with orange ring – technical fault
This flag signalizes technical fault on the vehicle. The driver must stop in the depot.
The black and white flag - reprehension
The black and white signalizes the reprehension of the driver because of the unfair behaviour.
The corner flags are used in the football for identification of the playground. The corner kicks are played from that place. The linesmen signal the breaking of rules with a flag by up righted hand.
In the athletics is the valid try signalled by up taking of the white flag and the invalid try is signalled by red flag by the referees.
The white flag signalized negotiation or capitulation in the battles and war conflicts.
The red flag placed in the beaches signalizes prohibition of swimming in the sea.